Food industry and the environment

The food industry is known to have an important impact on the environment. Early in 2020, the size of the global population was 7.7 billion. In 2100, the food industry is expected to adapt in order to feed a 10.9 billions population.

What impact does the food industry have on the environment

Food production and supply requires many resources, such as:

  • Water consumption
  • Soil usage
  • Human resources
  • Materials and physical resources

The industry contributes to an enormous amount of waste as a byproduct to food production, including

  • Greenhouse gas emissions
  • Organic waste
  • Materials

The impact on environment will depend on the industry: type of food, origin, production, packaging, transportation, etc.

Some industries are more pollutant than others. It is proven that farming contributes to 14.5% of all human carbon emissions. This being said, integrating vegetarian meals in our diets on regular basis could help reduce our foot print.

Pay attention! Highly processed vegetarian / vegan meals simulating animal meats require a lengthy process of transformation which negatively impacts both the environment and our health.

Aside from food production, food waste is another major contributor to the environment.

In 2011, Wold health organization estimated that 1/3 of global food supply is wasted yearly. This waste takes place at different levels of the food chain: production, supply, transformation, transportation, retail distribution. Although the food industry plays a major role in this food waste, consumers also contribute significantly.

In fact, we know that even only quarter of all wasted foods globally can feed 870 million people in need.

How can we reduce our foot print?

  • Consume local foods and in-season when possible
  • Bring reusable bags to the grocery store
  • Purchase foods in bulk and bring your own containers: fruits, vegetables, meats, cheese, flour, nuts, sugar, etc. Some grocery stores are even selling meat in bulk.
  • Pack your lunch with reusable containers and bags
  • Recycle at home
  • Prevent food waste by:
    • Store your food at adequate temperatures: 1°C to 5 °C
    • Plan your meals for the week and avoid impulse purchases
    • Recycle leftovers into new meals
  • No judgment! Odd looking fruits and vegetables are just as good
  • Organize foods in your fridge and pantry from the most recent in the back to the oldest in the front
  • Make sure to compost if food waste is inevitable
  • Share excess foods with others: sharing is caring!

In conclustion, we all play a role in protecting our planet. First step to making a change is becoming aware of all those small daily efforts and initiatives we could gradually implement in our daily lifestyle.