Weight loss miracle solutions

Miracle solutions are abundant in our society, but unfortunately they don't deliver the results they promise!
    Many of us aspire to improve our eating habits and loose or gain a few pounds. However, it's important to avoid the temptation of settling for fad diets,  promoting drastic and unrealistic changes.
These miracle solutions may be able to deliver short term results but can be damaging to both your mental and physical health over time. In fact, research has proven
that making long term lifestyle changes is the most effective strategy as it allows us enjoy healthy foods while accommodating our busy schedules and social life.

Recent studies demonstrated that individuals attempting diets over the years tend to gain more weight than those who didn't. Following restrictive diets and trying to find the next miracle solution seems to be a predictor of weight gain (Lowe, M. R. et al). This phenomenon has been observed in a twin study (same genetic background!). Within the same pair of twins, the co-twin that dieted gained progressively more weight than the non-dieting co-twin at 16 years and 25 years of age (Pietiläinen, K., et al). Surprising, isn’t it?

Researchers measured both the weight and basal metabolic rate of ‘The Biggest Loser’ participants prior to the start of the show and 6 years later. Researchers found that most participants regained an average of 41kg 6 years later and their basic metabolism had decreased significantly since the start of the show (Fothergill, E, et al). It's interesting to note that participants with the highest weight loss, the ‘’winners’’, were the ones with the biggest basal metabolic rate decrease... This means that the faster we loose loose weight, the harder it is to maintain that weight.

How to spot these fad diets?

  • -They restrict your caloric intake to the extent that you lack in energy to function or exercise.
  • -They promote hunger as a solution for your weight loss objective.
  • -They suggest one miracle pill or natural product as a unique solution without any lifestyle changes.
  • -They eliminate an entire food group from your diet.
  • -They recommend specific food combinations based on your genetic type or blood group.
  • -They suggest "detoxing" your body by avoiding certain foods.
  • -They provide no scientific evidence other than a few anecdotal success stories and celebrity testimonials.

DRRD Nutrition
Your registered dietitian at DRRD Nutrition can provide you with personalized advice to better manage your weight, while improving upon your eating habits and health.


  • - Fothergill, E., Guo, J., Howard, L., Kerns, J. C., Knuth, N. D., Brychta, R., Chen, K. Y., Skarulis, M. C., Walter, M., Walter, P. J., & Hall, K. D. (2016). Persistent metabolic adaptation 6 years after "The Biggest Loser" competition. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.), 24(8), 1612–1619. https://doi.org/10.1002/oby.21538
  • - Lowe, M. R., Doshi, S. D., Katterman, S. N., & Feig, E. H. (2013). Dieting and restrained eating as prospective predictors of weight gain. Frontiers in psychology, 4, 577. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00577
  • - Pietiläinen, K., Saarni, S., Kaprio, J. et al. Does dieting make you fat? A twin study. Int J Obes 36, 456–464 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1038/ijo.2011.160